LOCAL MUNICIPAL FACILITIES have never really been imagined as intelligent.
Smart pools?
Parks that can think?
Clever beaches?
Libraries definitely contain knowledge, but are they intelligent in themselves?
Local Councils and governments have limited resources and funding.
Making the right decisions on expenditure for local facilities is highly dependent upon knowing exactly how they are used by the community.
Until now, councils have been using concepts such as predicative modelling, assumptive planning and even demographic stereotyping on which to base their costly decision making.
They have never really known exactly how individual people navigate across the local area and within the boundaries of any given facility.
They don’t know how far people travel, they don’t know how many facilities or the frequency of which an individual uses each day, each week, or each year.
Decisions are based upon aggregated estimates – which really does amount to guesswork in reality.
Foresense Technologies can change that quickly, easily – and cost effectively.
The Foresense platform already has a wide range of applications in retail, commerce and industry employing a new type of approach for presence detection and the collection and collation of behavioural data.
Utilising the ubiquity of smartphones, Foresense uses the smartphone hardware itself as a beacon to collect highly detailed data sets on how people act and interact in and with their immediate environment to provide real-time analytics of traffic inside and around any physical location.
In a similar way to how behavioural data is utilised online through careful analysis of aspects such as dwell time, session duration, and unique and return visitations the Foresense platform collects data through AI sensors integrating with visitors’ smartphones allowing accessibility in real time so highly-informed, proactive decisions can be executed as trends are actually emerging.
For local council and government facilities, this means that the information on how an individual smartphone travels through the community can reveal exactly how people act in and interact with the local community services and amenities.
Determine exactly how local pools, skateparks, sport grounds and complexes are being used in the community – excess and peak demand times, how often people visit and how long they spend each time.