Modern construction projects can be very large-scale operations.
Even when building a relatively simple residential home, the number of workers on-site can run into the dozens at any given point in time.
When considering high-rise or new land developments, the numbers can run well into triple digits.
In addition to actual Construction Workers, Managers, Supervisors and Foreman…Architects and Engineers…Plumbers and Electricians… Estimators and Expeditors… as well as more intermittent visitors such as owners, investors, delivery drivers and council representatives, the numbers can run large in even the smallest projects.
Even in developed nations, where stringent occupational health and safety laws apply to the letter construction is a dangerous industry.
Serious injury and death are unfortunately common occurrences, despite adherence to safety protocol.
Accidents can – and do – happen.
And now, with COVID, new challenges emerge in all industries which require close-quarter working conditions.
In fact, construction projects in many parts of the world have been subject to strict limits on site numbers during COVID outbreaks to prevent spread among workers, their families and the community, causing delays and costs in the millions.
Management of people and resources in construction sites is challenging to say the least.
With such high stakes in terms of both personal safety and dollar values, newer, smarter more intelligent ways of doing things in construction demand consideration.
Artificial Intelligence is shaping the way forward for a range of operations in government, commerce and industry, making day-to-day processes and procedures safer and more efficient.
Smart Buildings are becoming increasingly commonplace in developed cities across the world.
Characterised by a network of electronics and technology, a Smart Building collects data to optimise management and efficiency of all assets, resources and services.
Put simply, Smart Buildings driven by AI are the way of the future.
But what about Smart Building?
That’s is, an AI driven platform to more efficiently guide construction procedures on-site in real-time?
Introducing Foresense Technologies - facilitating the collection of presence data and the analysis of how people act – and interact – on-site in real world settings to provide realtime analytics of traffic inside and around any physical location.
Foresense identifies areas for improvement and guides commercially based decisions with more detailed, quantifiable data to improve operational KPIs and efficiencies.
It allows accessibility in real time so highly-informed, proactive decisions can be executed as trends are actually emerging.
In a similar way to how behavioural data is utilised online through careful analysis of aspects such as dwell time, session duration, and return visitations the Foresense platform collects data through sensors integrating with smartphones, or wearable technology such as bracelets or smart ID cards.