Foresense Technologies in Construction : From Smart Buildings… to Smart Building

Modern construction projects can be very large-scale operations.

Even when building a relatively simple residential home, the number of workers on-site can run into the dozens at any given point in time.

When considering high-rise or new land developments, the numbers can run well into triple digits.

In addition to actual Construction Workers, Managers, Supervisors and Foreman…Architects and Engineers…Plumbers and Electricians… Estimators and Expeditors… as well as more intermittent visitors such as owners, investors, delivery drivers and council representatives, the numbers can run large in even the smallest projects.

Even in developed nations, where stringent occupational health and safety laws apply to the letter construction is a dangerous industry.

Serious injury and death are unfortunately common occurrences, despite adherence to safety protocol.

Accidents can – and do – happen.

And now, with COVID, new challenges emerge in all industries which require close-quarter working conditions.

In fact, construction projects in many parts of the world have been subject to strict limits on site numbers during COVID outbreaks to prevent spread among workers, their families and the community, causing delays and costs in the millions.

Management of people and resources in construction sites is challenging to say the least.

With such high stakes in terms of both personal safety and dollar values, newer, smarter more intelligent ways of doing things in construction demand consideration.

Artificial Intelligence is shaping the way forward for a range of operations in government, commerce and industry, making day-to-day processes and procedures safer and more efficient.

Smart Buildings are becoming increasingly commonplace in developed cities across the world.

Characterised by a network of electronics and technology, a Smart Building collects data to optimise management and efficiency of all assets, resources and services.

Put simply, Smart Buildings driven by AI are the way of the future.

But what about Smart Building?

That’s is, an AI driven platform to more efficiently guide construction procedures on-site in real-time?

Introducing Foresense Technologies - facilitating the collection of presence data and the analysis of how people act – and interact – on-site in real world settings to provide realtime analytics of traffic inside and around any physical location.

Foresense identifies areas for improvement and guides commercially based decisions with more detailed, quantifiable data to improve operational KPIs and efficiencies.

It allows accessibility in real time so highly-informed, proactive decisions can be executed as trends are actually emerging.

In a similar way to how behavioural data is utilised online through careful analysis of aspects such as dwell time, session duration, and return visitations the Foresense platform collects data through sensors integrating with smartphones, or wearable technology such as bracelets or smart ID cards.

Safety and efficiency are paramount to the wellbeing of the workforce, legislative compliance and overall profitability.

As a complete journey mapping solution, individual data such as arrival and departure time and the breakdown of time spent within different areas is collected.

Monitor individual workers for on-site efficiency, output and rest breaks.

Employee movements and exact locations at any point in time can easily be accessed, and automated real time messaging can be implemented to raise alert or alarm.

Aggregated data can be used to establish peak demand times for specific sections or facilities, identifying site bottlenecks to implement layout changes to improve flow and efficiency and alleviate congestion and downtime.

The platform can also implement messaging on-screen or via close proximity digital signage for informational purposes – for example tell applicable workers of site hazards or materials delays as they occur where ear protection or environmental noise renders audible communications ineffective.

The technology can also complement existing security surveillance systems and personal safety concerns. The AI platform detects loitering, erratic behaviour and unauthorised entry and can deploy staff in real time as issues develop.

For example, if an employee gains access to an area where they are not permitted or do not have relevant safety clearance or protective equipment an immediate security alert can be raised.

Pay particular close attention to any worker who may have been cautioned for a previous safety breach or worksite issue.

Analyse in real time if a person is not moving across an area as normal, or has been stationary for an excessive amount of time, indicating injury, collapse or unconsciousness.

Similarly, if someone not recognised as permitted to be on-site is detected, security can be raised immediately – especially relevant outside of operating hours when theft and damages typically occur.

As we learn to live with COVID, Foresense can also complement existing digital tools to monitor and log employees and visitors as they move across the site and its amenities to assist contact tracers and keep everyone safer.

In this way it can also be used to monitor and control the number of people gathering in any given area to address density regulations.

Identify vaccination status, or those who have not recently received negative COVID testing where such laws have been introduced.

Detect those who bypass QR code scan points, sending digital reminders to scan in, taking responsibility out of the hands of management.

Foresense Technologies offers a powerful array of AI guided analytical tools to improve operational efficiencies on construction sites of all scope and size.

Safety and efficiency are paramount to the wellbeing of the workforce, legislative compliance and overall profitability.

With irrefutable qualitative data readily available, minute aspects of day-to-day operations can be scrutinised with greater clarity and key decisions can be made to improve on-site workflow and conditions for all employees and visitors.

Assist Foremen, Managers and Supervisors to more efficiently monitor workers onsite and ensure they adhere to occupational health and safety frameworks and compliance issues.

Empower them with the technology to focus on delivering projects on time and on budget.

With Foresense, Smart Buildings start from Smart Building.