Modern University and College campuses are large.
Large in terms of on-campus student numbers, actual physical size and economic value.
With student numbers entering into the tens of thousands on campus at any point in time logistics and management are challenging, to say the least.
The fact that some higher education facilities can dominate entire post or zip codes – especially when student accommodation and dormitories are considered – the physical size of modern campuses exacerbates these challenges.
Education is big business. Dollar estimates place the global higher education market well into the trillions.
With competition and choice for students – both domestic and international – at an all-time high, constant improvement to campus facilities and overall staff and student satisfaction are paramount to making and maintaining appeal and desirability.
Given that the modern campus has a wide range of different zones that cater for the many different needs of staff and students’, functional, cohesive reliable data collection to guide administrative decision making is, to put it mildly, elusive.
Designated zones for teaching, study, administration, retail, food and beverage, residential, recreational, fitness, public transport and car parking all have unique considerations and very different usage patterns.
While each different zone can be monitored or approximated in terms of maximum numbers and capacities, future decisions are often shaped by estimates, projections and modelling open to inaccuracies.
And the exact nature of how students and staff interact with campus facilities; how they move from one zone to another and how individual behaviours recur to form overarching patterns has never really been possible.
Until now – with Foresense Technologies.
Foresense offers a solution where AI monitors behaviours and analyses trends to gain an unprecedented level of insight into what people want and need.
Foresense facilitates the collection of presence data and the analysis of how people act – and interact – on-site in real world settings to provide real-time analytics of traffic inside and around any physical location.
It intelligently identifies areas for improvement and guides commercially based decisions with more detailed, quantifiable data to improve operational KPIs and efficiencies.
In a similar way to how behavioural data is utilised online through careful analysis of aspects such as dwell time, session duration, and return visitations the Foresense platform collects data through sensors integrating with smartphones, or wearable technology including smart ID cards.
It allows accessibility in real time so highly-informed, proactive decisions can be executed as trends are actually emerging.
As a complete journey mapping solution, individual data such as area arrival and departure time and the breakdown of time spent within different areas is collected.
Data such as total time spent on campus, and the breakdown of time spent actively learning in class or the library, socialising at cafes and leisure time spent in common areas or the gym can be collected and collated.
With the assistance of Foresense AI, managers can identify exactly what areas need improvement to make the site and its facilities more efficient.