FOR THE CONSUMER, the convenience of shopping without leaving the confines and comfort of the car has become a way of life.
More recently, mobile pre-orders and click and collect services have made the purchase of food and beverage – and other retail goods – even more convenient.
Now, Foresense Technologies is revolutionising this space once again, making faster, more personalised transactions possible for consumers, and increasing efficiency and revenue opportunities for businesses.
While fast food, coffee vendors and bottle shops who offer a drive-through service stand to take the most advantage of the Foresense platform, any retailer that offers direct to car or direct to boot delivery for click and collect services also can utilise the technology to streamline
their processes.
Foresense works by employing a new type of approach for presence detection and the collection and collation of behavioural data.
Utilising the ubiquity of smartphones, Foresense uses the smartphone hardware itself as a beacon to collect highly detailed data sets on how people act and interact in and with their immediate environment to provide real-time analytics of traffic inside and around any physical location.
In a similar way to how behavioural data is utilised online through careful analysis of aspects such as dwell time, session duration, and unique and return visitations the Foresense platform collects data through AI sensors integrating with visitors’ smartphones allowing accessibility in real time so highly-informed, proactive decisions can be executed as trends are actually emerging.