ANYONE WHO REGULARLY uses the internet has undoubtedly experienced highly targeted advertising messages that seem to follow them around cyberspace for days – even weeks – on end.
Most don’t stop to think and realise that this is actually a highly calculated, intentional way for a business to reconnect with a potential client or customer; not some kind of online trickery or internet conjuring.
Even fewer know that this strategy has a dedicated name in advertising jargon, known as ‘remarketing.’
When a user interacts with a business website or app a detailed log is kept of the pages they view, the duration they view them, their navigation through websites and search engines, any items added to a shopping cart….the list goes on…
Every aspect of a user’s online behaviour is stored, building a detailed profile for future marketing purposes.
Remarketing serves to persuade and influence positive brand association and purchase decisions so that online retailers give themselves the highest possible chance of making each individual sale to minimise marketing budget waste.
For decades now, businesses have sought to bring aspects of the real world shopping experience online.
In having a functional website that recreates the browsing, information gathering and purchase transaction phases of physical shopfronts, businesses recreate the real world customer experience – and create the opportunity for 24/7 sales, 365 days of the year.
And additional online tools of persuasion such as saved cart reminders, ’can we help’ chat-bots, push notification technology and invites to mailing lists and social media channels all serve to inform and influence positive brand association and purchase decisions.
However, one key difference is that once a potential customer leaves a physical shopfront without purchase, the likelihood of making a sale diminishes exponentially with time.
This is simply because contact with the potential customer cannot be maintained.
In cyberspace, phone numbers for sales calls or home addresses for marketing mail outs are not needed to maintain this contact.
Salvaging online sales from website visits by reengaging with potential customers can lead to significant revenue increases and once someone actually places an item in their cart the possibility of making the sale can actually increase with targeted messages and incentivisation.