Pets and Tech - A new niche in a new industry

THE PET INDUSTRY has become  a key area for investment and  innovation in recent years

Only a generation ago, household pets would literally  cost nothing to keep, being fed  from table scraps and leftovers.

No toys, treats, tailored diets, pet  insurance, periodic vet visits.

No pet cafes, professional  walkers, pet-sitters, day-care  centres and obedience classes.

The pet industry in the US alone is estimated to be worth close to $100US billion.

Over the past few years, we  have seen the next evolution of  the industry – home user pet  technology.

Just as people have become  highly accustomed to the  proliferation of high-tech gadgets in their daily lives –  from smart phones and watches  through to robot vacuums and  voice controlled assistants – our  pets are fast catching up.

Pet monitoring cameras, remote  treat dispensers, water filters and  quality monitors, reactive moving  toys, automated feeders and ball  launchers…the list goes on.

While many would argue that  these have a use in certain  circumstances where owners  are regularly absent for long  periods of time or have impaired  movement abilities, others would  say they are either gimmicky or  cater to the lazy or ignorant who  probably shouldn’t have pets in  the first place.

One key area of emerging pet  tech however does have some  very practical applications in the  health, safety and wellbeing of  furry family members.

Pet movement tracking – a sort  of GPS/fitness tracker rolled into  one – can actually ensure a longer  happier life for beloved pets.

And it is yet another area where  Foresense Technologies has  entered the fray.

Already producing tracking  systems for livestock, Foresense  is now available for use in the  home and out and about in the  pet community.

Foresense Technologies is  an industry leader in the collection of presence data and  the analysis of action – and  interaction – on-site in real world  settings to provide real-time  analytics of traffic inside and  around any physical location.

In a similar way to how  behavioural data is utilised  online through careful analysis  of aspects such as dwell time,  session duration, and unique and  return visitations the Foresense  platform collects data through  on-site sensors integrating with  a collar tag allowing for alerts  and accessibility in real time  so highly-informed, proactive decisions can be made.

Ensure pets are exactly where  they are meant to be – indoors/  outdoors or upstairs/downstairs  at any point to safeguard against danger, escape or theft  (petnapping).

If a pet exceeds prescribed  boundaries for any reason – either  within the home or actual property  boundaries – an immediate call  to action will be raised.

And areas of undesired access  can be flagged upon entry – to  keep children’s nurseries or  the bedroom more hygienic,  for example.

Alerts will be raised if a pet has  become stuck or trapped, or if  the tag somehow is removed  from the collar.

In this way, certain medical  conditions can be more carefully  monitored in the home, at all  times in between veterinary  check-ups, or after medical  procedures and surgery.

Monitor the activity level and  heartrate of those at increased  risk of over exertion.

Ensure older or more sedentary  pets that need to maintain or  increase movement or calorie  count are getting in their daily  amount of exercise.

While some of it is more useful  and relevant than others, few  would argue that any technology  that can offer a greater level  of care and increase safety  and longevity is a welcome,  necessary addition to the  multibillion dollar pet industry.